Hi !

During my free time, I like to build things on the internet.
I've decided to share some of them with you.
Welcome to my world.


"The secret to getting ahead is getting started"


AFRA is the first ever Panfrican contemporary art mobile app for discovering and learning about the world's most exciting, innovative and influential contemporary artists.


An AI writing the 2021 news. A magazine in which no sentence, no word, no letter was written by a human.


Nano-influence marketing at scale. Ordinary people promote your brands to their friends and family.


An AI writing the 2021 news. A magazine in which no sentence, no word, no letter was written by a human.

Novelo (in progress)

Be the hero of a unique book writed and edited only once, just for you


Support musicians with vocal & stage coaching, studio recording, marketing and video production assistance.

AFRA allows you to discover, everyday for one minute, a contemporary pan-African piece of art.

Be the hero of a unique book writed and edited only once, just for you

  • đź’°đź’°đź’°

An artificial intelligence that creates news of the near future for an online magazine in which no sentence, no word, no letter was written by a human.

in 2020, I used InferKit powered by GPT-2 to generate news that don't exist.I started to wonder how weak signals available online could be analyzed to imagine tomorrow's news and indeed the possible scenarios of our near future.My objective was to feed InferKit AI tool with news and let the AI "imagine" news for each day in 2021.uturefeed has been shared by dozens of futurists, speculative designers, researchers and reached thousands of views in a few days.

Moreover, some underlying questions emerged:
- How can NLP/NLG/NLU be used to imagine foresight scenarios?
- How can these tools help analysts analyze the weak signals in our world?
- Can a state use this type of model to imagine potential future scenarios?
- How can citizens protect themselves against mass fakes news?
- Can we imaginethe upcoming news based on millions of weak signals on the web?
- Can we predict a market's evolution from millions of behavioral data, news, social network opinions in order to build a successful product?

  • thefuturefeed.com

Poptribe is an advertising network based on peer2peer recommendations.
Ordinary people promote brands they love to their friends & family.

Poptribe is an advertising network based on peer2peer recommendations. Ordinary people promote brands they love to their friends & family.Poptribe is an advertising network based on peer2peer recommendations. Ordinary people promote brands they love to their friends & family.Poptribe is an advertising network based on peer2peer recommendations. Ordinary people promote brands they love to their friends & family.

  • +5000 influencers

  • +30% growth / week during 12 weeks

  • +800 users interview

  • Sold in october 2019

Poptribe is an advertising network based on peer2peer recommendations.
Ordinary people promote brands they love to their friends & family.

  • +5000 influencers

  • +30% growth / week during 12 weeks

  • +800 users interview

  • Sold in october 2019

[Tribune] Dis SIRI, dessine-moi un mouton

Les enjeux de conception et les usages du NLP

L'ultra réalisme dans la Tech, une inquiétante révolution ?

Entre Ă©thique et technologie, comment envisager le futur des interactions humain-machine ?

No-code is eating the world

Aujourd’hui, toute personne disposant d’un ordinateur et d’un accès à Internet peut, en quelques heures et sans compétences techniques, lancer un service en ligne.
Bienvenue dans l’univers du no/low code.

Apporter aux chaînes logistiques la puissance des organisations exponentielles

De petites sociétés de réseaux atteignent une croissance exceptionnelle en misant sur l’innovation technologique. Les opérateurs logistiques cherchent aujourd'hui à suivre leur exemple révolutionnaire.

Yacine founaqa

Founaqa Yacine

An innovation addict who enjoys leveraging his knowledge into projects.
A web handyman who builds anything that pops into his brain.

(And sometimes it turns into money)

Thank you !

Let's have a coffee !